Cindy began her career in the Air Force, where she served as a space and missile operator and a scientist for 7 years. She rose to the rank of Captain. Following her Air Force career, she was accepted into the Computer Science and Engineering doctoral program at the University of Notre Dame. Here Cindy was a GAANN Fellow (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need), where she worked with the Kaneb Learning Center to expand her technical teaching skills. In 2013, Cindy began teaching at the Forever Learning Institute. In 2021, she professed into the Order of St. Francis as a lay person. Cindy completed additional master’s degrees in Applied Mathematics and Data Science. Currently, Cindy is a software developer and a life coach. She also is the author of two books. In her spare time, Cindy loves crocheting, serving the community, and building the world’s largest jigsaw puzzle.