Following Are My Theories

The Goldilocks Principle

  • In business, the Goldilocks Principle describes for what quantities one should create or sell products. It states that one should always create/sell a product in at least large, medium, and small sizes. This will cover the widest range of people who want the product.

  • In software development, the Goldilocks Principle describes how many features one should include into the software product. It states that one should always create a product with a slimmed down set of features, a medium set of features, and one with a maximum set of features. This will cover the widest range of people who want and use the product.

  • The Golden Rule has been revised by some philosophers to say "treat others as they want to be treated". A new extension is to "treat others as you want to be treated (religious part), treat others as they want to be treated (philosophical part), and treat others as they need to be treated (psychological part). The extension is that one should treat others in a combination of all three of these parts.

  • From a humanistic and technical viewpoint, one could argue that evil exists because God is sleeping.